You don't need to spend a lot of money to catch up with the latest trend. You can actually look good by rummaging through your old clothes and upcycling them. Take this DIY old shirts tutorial. This one will teach you how to turn an old t-shirt to a simple skater skirt in just six simple steps. This simple skirt could be paired with a nice blouse for a more upbeat look and a nice pair of shoes. No one can even tell you did it yourself. Try doing this yourself and see how you can finish this in less than an hour.
DIY Old Shirts Project : Sew A Skater Skirt In 6 Easy Steps
Simple Casual Skirt You Can Rock
When I was single, shopping for new clothes was part of being carefree. Now that I'm married, and I have 2 kids, my perspective has changed. I am now mindful about my spending to the point of being frugal. However, it doesn’t change the fact that I love to dress up and to look good all the time. One budgeting hack I learned is to sew my clothes including my children’s dresses. In fact, my husband says that I become good at refashioning old clothes. He actually said that to me one time when he was looking for his old polo, and he couldn’t believe that it’s the batwing top that I was wearing that day.
Anyway, since it’s the beginning of the new season, my project this month includes creating a skirt for this fall. You can never go wrong with skirts and leggings when it’s chilly outside. So, I found this simple DIY clothing tutorial from Alejandra's Styles. It is so easy to make. This tutorial is perfect for beginners too!
What you need:
XXL T-shirt
Rotary cutter
Sewing machine
Elastic band
Ready? Get set…sew!
1. Cut the t-shirt in half
Cut the t-shirt in half, right under the arms. Use a rotary cutter to make it more precise. If you don't have one, you can use sharp scissors.
2. Fold and pin
After cutting it, flip it inside and fold about an inch and a half on the top then pin in place.
3. Machine stitch
Sew along the pinned area with a straight stitch. Use a thread that matches your fabric. This way, it will not be visible to the naked eye and will just blend into the fabric.
4. Cut the elastic
Now, unfold the elastic tape and wrap it around your waist. Cut it where it meets the end then attach a pin to one end. The pin will serve as a guide when we pass it through the “tunnel” slit later.
5. Insert the elastic
Make a slit on the inside of your skirt then insert the elastic band into the “tunnel”. Now, when both ends meet just sew and cut the excess.
6.Close the opening
Hand stitch the opening close. Once done, flip the skirt inside out.
And tadaa…this is how your finished skirt will look like!
Learn how to create this simple t-shirt skirt with Alejandra's Styles Youtube DIY clothing tutorial!
Look how cute this DIY old shirts tutorial is! It has so many possibilities. And you can wear it in any season. You can also turn this from day to night outfit. I can just imagine wearing this with a pair of flat sandals on daytime or wear high heels at night. You can wear stockings underneath or just go plain.
What do you think of this skater skirt? Do you think this is a great way to upcycle your old shirt? Let me know what you think in the comment section below.
Do you want more upcycling ideas? Why don't you check this one out.